Classmate Updates
Registered: | 145 |
Pending registrations: | 17 |
Unconfirmed addresses: | 156 |
Missing addresses: | 118 |
'77 alumni
register then
and help us track down anyone on the missing list!
Login and look at the missing list. If you know someone on the missing list, tell them about the
website, or use the 'Contact Us' menu button above.
Here are a few people from the missing list.
Reunion Information
- "65th Buffalo Birthday Bash" Reunion! (or welcome to Medicare?)
The "65th Buffalo Birthday Bash" Reunion is over. A great time and great food at the Ohmart's
residence. See the group picture below and logon to see other pictures from the reunion.
- 50th Reunion!
The next big, big, big get together will be our 50th reunion!
In 2027, most likely late October or early November. Save the date!
We want to see everyone there, including all the people that have been
missing out on these past reunion get togethers. Tell all of your THS '77 class mates
to add this to their calendar, NOW!
- Stay current!
Keep your contact information current on this web page, and
your email current with the
"Join e-mail List"
Keep up with our
Facebook Group.
Look thru the list of people that are missing from the missing list on
the web page, if you are still in contact with any of them, urge them
to sign up on the website and join the Facebook group.
Look thru the memorial page and help us honor any classmates that have passed away.
What happened in 1977?
- Jimmy Carter was President
- Star Wars opened in theaters
- The Oakland Raiders won the Super Bowl
- The New York Yankees won the World Series (Reggie Jackson hit 3 homeruns in one game)
- Seattle Slew won horse racing's triple crown
- Fleetwood Mac's Rumours album released and won grammy for Best Album.
(Fleetwood Mac played live at University of Arizona football stadium later in the year. First and last concert at Arizona Stadium.)
- Saturday Night Fever is released sparking the disco craze. (OK, maybe we should forget this one)
- Annie Hall won Best Picture Oscar
- Elvis Presley died
- A first class stamp cost 13 cents
- A gallon of gas cost 62 cents
- "Roots" by Alex Haley was the most popular book
65th Birthday Bash reunion
45th year reunion
60th Birthday Bash reunion
40 year reunion
30 year reunion